Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!
Stratford Karate is a martial arts group in northern Virginia, USA. We have been teaching as part of the Falls Church Community Center for over 25 years and with Fairfax County even longer. Our founder was Dr. Robert Suggs. We teach traditional martial arts (primarily Tang Soo Do) specializing in the basics -- we are not training future assassins. We balance respectful formality and fun as we all learn practice martial arts. Classes are open to students of all knowledge and experience levels.
Our Classes for Winter/Spring 2025
Classes start in Falls Church Monday, Monday January 6th and run until Thursday 22 May, a week before the Memorial Day parade. There are location changes as the Rec Center goes through some upgrades. January and February classes will be at the Falls Church Community Center. March throughh May classes will be at the Oak Street Elementary School trailers.Monday The skip dates are: 1/20, 2/17, 2/24, and 4/14. | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday The skip dates are: 2/20, 2/27, 4/3, and 4/17. | Friday | Saturday |
Falls Church Rec. Ctr: Japanese Swordsmanship 6:00-6:55pm Beginning Karate 7:00-8:00pm Intermediate Karate 8:15-9:15pm |
Falls Church Rec. Ctr: Japanese Swordsmanship 6:00-6:55pm Beginning Karate 7:00-8:00pm Intermediate/Advanced Karate 8:15-9:15pm |
Contact us to schedule a 1-2 hour self-defense class on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. |
Which Class to Sign Up For?
First time students (of any age) and students from other martial arts programs less than a year or so experience, are advised to register for the beginning class. This fall, we're suggest adult beginning students sign up for the intermediate karate classes because the beginning classes are primarily young kids. If appropriate, we will suggest attending a different class without any need to change the registration. The advanced class is for students promoted several times in Tang Soo Do, i.e., at approximately middle of the advancement toward earning a black belt. The advanced class is for students approaching the black belt level in Tang Soo Do. Individuals holding black belts in other styles are encouraged to bring their own experiences to share with other students.
Uniforms are not required for beginning students but are recommended for continuing students and expected for advanced students. We have wholesale sources for uniforms and equipment. The uniforms cost about $30 and are available from the instructors.
Our Style and Instructors
Our instructors all have earned
black belts in the traditional Korean style of Tang Soo Do. This is very
similar to the more famous Tae Kwon Do ("TKD"). The primary difference is that
TKD is a more stand-up fighting art and sport focused on kicks and punches.
Tang Soo Do is more a martial art with balanced use of hands, feet, elbows,
kicks, etc. The study of Tang Soo Do also includes traditional katas/forms and
hand-to-hand self-defense arts. We use a smaller number of belts of similar
color that other arts employ. Students begin as white belts, then yellow/gold,
then green. Our senior belts are blue, brown, and black. Dr. Kennedy was
awarded his black belt by Dr. Robert Suggs in 1982 and has been teaching for
over 35 years. Mr. Hathaway also earned his black belt from Dr. Suggs and has
been teaching for 25+ years. Dr. Kennedy, Mr. Hathaway, & Doc Phillips currently
hold the rank of Sa Dan (4th degree). Mr. David Hacker and Ms. Carol Luten are
Sam Dan (3rd degree). Other black belts and senior students often contribute in
teaching the classes. Senior students are encouraged to visit other instructors'
classes to learn a wide breadth of techniques.